Graphing search engine referrals with AWStats and MRTG

From my previous post, AWStats tip: creating static pages (and why it’s a good idea):

for instance, I’m currently using MRTG to plot a graph of Google and Bing referrals, using the AWstats-generated static pages as input

So… anyone curious? 🙂

Note: again, beware of word wrapping below. I’ve added an empty line between any “true” line of text; if you see two or more lines together, it’s supposed to be just one.

cat /root/bin/



GOOGLE=`grep \>Google\</a\>\</td\>\<td\>
/var/www/htdocs/AWstats/ | awk -F"<td>" '{print $2}' | cut -d "<" -f 1`

if [ -z $GOOGLE ]; then



echo $GOOGLE

BING=`grep \>Microsoft\ Bing\</a\>\</td\>\<td\>
/var/www/htdocs/AWstats/ | awk -F"<td>" '{print $2}' | cut -d "<" -f 1`

if [ -z $BING ]; then



YAHOO=`grep \>Yahoo\!\</a\>\</td\>\<td\>
/var/www/htdocs/AWstats/ | awk -F"<td>" '{print $2}' | cut -d "<" -f 1`

if [ -z $YAHOO ]; then



echo $(($BING + $YAHOO))

uptime | awk -F"up " '{print $2}'

uname -n

EDIT in April 1, 2011: fixed the script so that it deals with non-existing entries (typically on the first day of the month).

By the way, this is a FreeBSD box; that’s the reason why bash is in /usr/local/bin. In Linux, it’s probably in /bin.

The mrtg.cfg file is mostly standard: it invokes the script shown above, and labels “I” as hits from Google, and “O” as hits from Bing and Yahoo! put together.

If you want to see what the result looks like, look here.

If you’ve been paying attention, yes, both values will reset to zero the first day of every month. That’s exactly how I want it: I want to see if every month it “rises” faster than the month before, or slower, or whatever. 🙂

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